Monday, September 14, 2015

Amazing Grace Analysis

Here is my analysis of the movie Amazing Grace

I will start off by writing about the structure of the film and talk about how it fit in with what we are talking about in class right now.

With the opening of the film we are able to learn about the main character William, he is a rich guy from London, leader we could say or knows lots of leaders within that country. We find that he cares alot about animals and I think that is important because his care for that horse shows alot about how he feels about others and especially the slaves that he wants to free.

From watching the first few minutes of the movie we can tell that William really cares about people and wants to do what he can to impact people and to be able to help them. Therefore, him and his friend want to be able to change the world and start a way to where they can help the slaves and try to get rid of the discrimination against them.

 A part of the movie I felt was an  important and big moment we can say is when they are gathered for dinner which they talk a lot about the plans and settlements that they want to do and I also feel like this was a good dialogue scene as well because I think what was said and the emotion that both parties felt was able to set the mood and the emotion for that instance and for the entire movie.

And than we move into the debate period where they William has to decide what he wants to do regarding his talents and how he wants to move them. He decides with the Prime Minister to fight for the slaves and to abolish it.

And that is what helps us to move into the second story of the movie where we learn of the love and romance between William and Maryanne. We find them in a nice calm setting sharing their feelings and William also shares with her the decision that he has made.

Now we start getting into the part of the story where they are fighting with the government to be able to abolish slavery and to bring them over. William does everything he can through speeches, songs, medallions, petitions and many more to try and get the people to agree with his philosophies.

I would have to say the midpoint of this movie would be where he comes on the ship Madagascar and talks with the people about what has happened with the people over in Africa and has them smell the stench of death from the boat. I also thought this was a really good dialouge scene in the movie in the sense of he was trying to help set the mood and prove his point on why what he is telling the people is important and that was something I had noticed from the scene.

I feel like the low point/ all is lost part of the movie was after William gave a very big and eloquent speech as the house was about to vote on the issue of slavery. Even after he gave such a speech and even was put in the newspaper as one of the greatest speeches ever. The law fell short of happening and I feel like that was a very big blow to them because they worked so hard and nothing still was able to happen after all their hard work.

Than we are able to break into the third act of our story where they continue to get this act put through the house to become a law and they eventually were able to come up with an amended law much to the abolitionist's dismay and approval. William after many years is able to see his dream come true and a law is passed for the slaves. He dies three days after the law was passed and that is how the movie ends.

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