Monday, September 28, 2015

Singin in the Rain Analysis

Here are my thoughts and analysis of the movie we watched in class Singing in the Rain:

The movie started off with our main characters of Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont going to a premiere of their movie. They get alot of questions asked about their "relationship" and how they met and it takes us through a flashback of what Don went through as an actor and how he got to where he is at that point of his career at the premiere. It really helped set up what we were going to see throughout the movie and how his relationship with Lina really is.

Something that I noticed in the movie that made a big impact on Don's life is him being able to meet Kathy Selden. I feel like that made a big impact on him because that was his main focus throughout a big portion of the movie. He was doing everything he could to woo her and be able to get her to pay attention to him more so that he can be able to make her his.

I feel like the midpoint of the movie is when Don, with the help of Cosmo and Kathy are able to figure out how they can save their movie and when they decide to turn it into a musical so that it can be a big hit and it doesnt be a dud. They decide to have Kathy be a voice over for Lina during singing and they come up with the plan and the process so that they can make their movie much better and a watchable movie for their fans and be able to save their reputation.

It was really hard for me to notice and figure out what the big all is lost moment was for this show because it wasnt one of those movies where it was a big huge crucial moment. But from what I saw and noticed was when Lina saw that Kathy was going to be doing her voice over and she didn't like it and was mad over it, so she went to the producer of the studio and set some demands to him so that she can be able to get the credit for everything. I feel like that was a big moment in this case cause that was ruining the whole reason and point of why they were doing it and she was trying to sabotage it and the producer could do nothing about it.

The last part of the movie is when Lina wants to give the final speech and be able to thank the crowd, but that backfires on her part because she has a totally different voice from how she was singing. So they ask Kathy to be a voice over for her while the crowd wants her to sing and Kathy doesnt want to because she is feeling used. But the reason why Don does it is so that they can see who really is the person behind Lina and to be able to expose Kathy in a way that she can receive credit. Before she storms off the stage, Don calls her back and they sing together and the crowd gets to really she who she is.

The genre of this film is definitely a musical/dance genre, there are many points and times you can obviously pick out and say that it is. Two of the traits that I noticed though were that there was a lot of heavy choreography, there is alot of it. I feel like every scene has at least a dose of that. And than the main cast along with the dancing does alot of the singing and I feel like they also sing almost every scene and they do more singing than talking at some points.

I feel like the reason this film was so successful was it was a musical that grabbed your attention in a way. They were always pretty entertaining and along with being entertaining you were able to learn about the history of movies and how they developed and how excited they were able to get with being able to have sound in a movie and how amazing they thought it was. It was like a miraculous invention and gift to them around that time.

I feel like the movies Explict meaning was being able to show us the ups and downs that an actor/actress goes through during their career. We were able to get a behind the scenes look of what they do and how rumors affect people and also what inventions can do to make a great movie. The implicit meaning I feel was the history of what was going on during that time. It also was able to help us see how happy everyone was because this movie came out after the war and it was just a great feel good movie.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Amazing Grace Analysis

Here is my analysis of the movie Amazing Grace

I will start off by writing about the structure of the film and talk about how it fit in with what we are talking about in class right now.

With the opening of the film we are able to learn about the main character William, he is a rich guy from London, leader we could say or knows lots of leaders within that country. We find that he cares alot about animals and I think that is important because his care for that horse shows alot about how he feels about others and especially the slaves that he wants to free.

From watching the first few minutes of the movie we can tell that William really cares about people and wants to do what he can to impact people and to be able to help them. Therefore, him and his friend want to be able to change the world and start a way to where they can help the slaves and try to get rid of the discrimination against them.

 A part of the movie I felt was an  important and big moment we can say is when they are gathered for dinner which they talk a lot about the plans and settlements that they want to do and I also feel like this was a good dialogue scene as well because I think what was said and the emotion that both parties felt was able to set the mood and the emotion for that instance and for the entire movie.

And than we move into the debate period where they William has to decide what he wants to do regarding his talents and how he wants to move them. He decides with the Prime Minister to fight for the slaves and to abolish it.

And that is what helps us to move into the second story of the movie where we learn of the love and romance between William and Maryanne. We find them in a nice calm setting sharing their feelings and William also shares with her the decision that he has made.

Now we start getting into the part of the story where they are fighting with the government to be able to abolish slavery and to bring them over. William does everything he can through speeches, songs, medallions, petitions and many more to try and get the people to agree with his philosophies.

I would have to say the midpoint of this movie would be where he comes on the ship Madagascar and talks with the people about what has happened with the people over in Africa and has them smell the stench of death from the boat. I also thought this was a really good dialouge scene in the movie in the sense of he was trying to help set the mood and prove his point on why what he is telling the people is important and that was something I had noticed from the scene.

I feel like the low point/ all is lost part of the movie was after William gave a very big and eloquent speech as the house was about to vote on the issue of slavery. Even after he gave such a speech and even was put in the newspaper as one of the greatest speeches ever. The law fell short of happening and I feel like that was a very big blow to them because they worked so hard and nothing still was able to happen after all their hard work.

Than we are able to break into the third act of our story where they continue to get this act put through the house to become a law and they eventually were able to come up with an amended law much to the abolitionist's dismay and approval. William after many years is able to see his dream come true and a law is passed for the slaves. He dies three days after the law was passed and that is how the movie ends.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Batman Begins Analysis

Here is my view/analysis of the movie Batman Begins:

The movie starts out with us being able to see and know who Bruce Wayne is and his background. I feel like this was very important to start out with cause that really is the base and the platform to how Bruce was living his life and why he became Batman. Without knowing who he was and where he came from and without knowing he fell into the well with all the bats than the audience would have been confused and felt very puzzled to know why he chose to become Batman and the reasons behind what he wanted to do. I was really impressed with the way they showed it and also being able to portray that in such a short time frame. I feel like that was a very great way to open up the film.

Which leads me into my next point in talking about what the theme of the movie was, I felt a very important theme of the movie was that Bruce Wayne was looking to become a legend and wanted to find himself and be able to figure out who he really was. We were able to see that as he met up with Raz Algoon and as he was trained and being taught by them that was what he wanted to do and he wanted to find a way to be able to overcome his parents death. I felt like I was able to see that throughout the movie as he was becoming Batman and as he was going after the different villains, And even though he wasn't doing anything specific towards the death of his parents, you could tell that he was still trying to put out his legacy and everything he was doing was to be able to carry on his families name.

A set up that I noticed in this movie that I thought was important was when Rachel in Act 2 was talking to Bruce and when he was saying he was different and she replied back by saying "Its not what you are underneath, but what you do that defines you." And than in Act 3 when Bruce was Batman and Rachel asked who he was and than he replied back with the same statement that Rachel left him and that's how she was able to identify who Batman really was. I feel like that paid off cause at that point I feel like Bruce was able to figure out who he really was and Rachel was able to help him figure out who really needs to be and to not be angry about he parents death and towards the person that did it.

A catalyst that I saw in the movie and one that was pretty obvious was when Bruce's parents died. That was a very big life changing moment cause that happened while he was a kid and while he was growing up he kept finding ways to get his revenge and to be able to get pay back on what happened to his parents and it made him angry and really changed his life in a negative way.

Which lead to Bruce Wayne's debate period and making a decision of how he was going to react, and the way that he did it was that he left the world that he knew and became someone different, he decided to not take revenge at that moment and to become somewhat of a criminal and to live that lifestyle and to see what it brought.

What lead us into Act 2 was when Bruce Wayne fought off all of Raz Algoon's men and didn't give into what they wanted him to do which was to go and destroy Gotham. Raz Algoon decoy was at that point considered dead and Bruce Wayne saved Raz Algoon from falling off the cliff and left him with someone in the village.

And than Bruce Wayne is able to meet up with Alfred in an airplane and he returns to Gotham. He talks with Alfred about what he has experienced and what he is doing and how long he plans to stay. And that leads us to what the main story line will be in the second act is when Bruce Wayne becomes Batman and to protect Gotham.

We than find Bruce back at Wayne Enterprises looking to come back into the company and he tells the main boss he wants to work in the applied sciences department of the company. He than meets Cox who is over that department and talks about the different gadgets that he has and tries to figure out the best things he can use to be as sly, powerful, and legendary as he can become. That is where we begin the fun and games of Batman.

Than Batman is able to find Fal Cony and be able to defeat him and earn his first victory as Batman and be able to help Rachel, Detective Gordon and the rest of Gotham. This is where the city gets to first see Batman and they all don't know what to think of him but a lot of them consider him to be a villain and against the city.

Rachel is than taken hostage by Crane and given the powder that will kill her unless she receives the antidote in time. Batman than takes her to the Bat cave to receive the antidote and brings her back to her home. Bruce than returns back to his mansion for his birthday party and than sees Ducard at the party with a bunch of his men. He than figures out that Ducard is really Raz Algoon and they destroy his mansion and begin to plot their plan to destroy Gotham. This I feel is a combination of both the All is Lost and the Bad Guys Close in part of the film.

Than Bruce as he is going down the elevator feels like he has created something and done something too big to handle and feels like he isnt successful and that he has failed and he watches all of his mansion and all that his parents had burn to the ground and burn away. This is the low point of the movie and where Bruce feels more darkness because he feels like at this point there is nothing that he can do to save the city.

Than we break into Act 3 where Raz Algoon starts to poison the city with the powder that Crane has and start putting it into the the water systems. We also find the climax/finale of the movie when Batman sends Gordon off in the Bat mobile to attack the towers while he confronts the Raz Algoon directly. Batman than destroys the controls of the train preventing it from stopping and Gordon also shoots down the tracks. At this point Batman has defeated Raz Algoon and jumps out of the train leaving him there and than destroys the emitter which ends the poisonous fog.

The final image of the movie is when Bruce and Alfred make plans to rebuild the mansion, Batman visits Gordon who confesses he never thanked Batman. He than says you never had to.

A Deus ex machina moment I saw in the movie is when Batman had all those bats come and attack all the bad guys that were around the warehouse to stop them from what they were doing.